Saturday, June 12, 2010

Very pleased with Mind42

As stated in a previous post, I have decided to abandon my traditional, snore-inducing lectures (using a ubiquitous slide producing application) in favor of interactive mind maps, and this post is my follow-up describing my likes/dislikes of my weapon of choice.  The application that I have chosen to use is Mind42.  You can see an example of one of my works in progress below.

What I like about this application:
  1. It's FREE!!!!
  2. You can attach links to different nodes as well as notes that contain text or Wikipedia references.
  3. You can collaborate/share easily with others.
  4. You can imbed published mind maps within blogs/sites.
Some features that I wish were there:
  1.  I wish Wikipedia was not the only reference source (Must review content for accuracy).
  2. I wish that you could export the map as something more than just an image file or PDF. (i.e. HTML)
On the whole, though, I'm really pleased with the capabilities of this application.  Please feel free to interact with the mind map shown and tell me what you think.

Note:  Notes/Wikipedia entries can be accessed by clicking on the paper clips, links by the world icons.